AI-Driven Business Analytics: Leveraging Deep Learning and Big Data for Predictive Insights
artificial intelligence, deep learning, business analyticsAbstract
Business analytics is evolving as AI and deep learning forecast industry-wide strategic decisions from enormous data sets. This research claims deep learning algorithms can forecast market trends, customer behavior, and business analytics efficiency. Deep learning algorithms find patterns and trends in enormous data sets, unlike traditional analytics. This AI/deep learning study investigates CNNs, RNNs, and transformer topologies. Models examine unstructured and firm time-series data. Market trends, customer service, and process efficiency may be predicted using advanced predictive analytics.
Business analytics AI is hard. Data analysis, model interpretation, and computing. The paper says data pretreatment, complicated model explainability frameworks, and scalable computer infrastructures enhance predictive models. AI-driven retail, banking, and healthcare case studies enhanced forecasts and operations.
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